~Last night I was watching tv and I saw a commercial for the latest Cirque Du Soleil show that is starting on Randall's Island today. My mom has been dropping hints like crazy for this show so we are going to see it for Mother's Day. Even better, my boyfriend and his mom are going to come with us (the moms will meet for the first time!). I'm just so happy that the Mother's Day Gift pressure is over - both for me and John plus Cirque shows are pretty awesome!!
04/24/06 ~With spring here (despite today’s torrential downpours) and summer around the corner, I realized that I desperately need a tan if I plan to wear any fun clothes!! However, I don’t need the wrinkles! Soooo, per a friend’s recommendation I’m trying Clarins’ self-tanner. I’ve tried self-tanners in the past, but I usually ended up looking a shade of awful orange and so did my clothes, sheets, etc (you get the point). Well, so far this one is spot-on without the splotches! The key is to mix it with a moisturizer. Anyhow, I’m hooked..now when will it be sunny again?! -candace
~Happy ::belated:: Birthday to Erica!!! We had a nice tarte celebration yesterday complete with, what else, cupcakes! For those of you who don’t know, Erica is the queen of baking around here, so Lex and I wanted to repay her with some really special cupcakes of her own…so we made Beaker from The Muppets cupcakes! They were so much fun to make, and surprisingly easy…problem is, they looked so cute and hysterically funny we almost didn’t want to eat them! Key word being almost…
~So it’s possible that I might have a new obsession: Coke Blak. Phil has been telling me about this stuff since he saw a commercial for it during the Academy Awards, and I swear, I thought he made it up. I hadn’t seen it anywhere! But lo & behold, I spotted a 4-pack at Key Food this weekend, and I had to try it. It promises “coke effervescence with coffee-flavored essence,” and since I’m a big coffee soda fan, that’s definitely worth exploring. Anyway, it tastes just like this soda I used to drink as a kid called No-Cal Coffee Soda. Apparently me & my dad are the only ones who remember this stuff, but whatever—I am officially a Coke Blak convert. -alexis
04/10/06 ~I can’t believe Passover is this week! I like the holiday because I get to see my family, but giving up foods like pizza for a week is tough. You would think I’d be used to it by now, but every year it’s s struggle. At least my Mom made an extra pot of matzah ball soup for me. Nothing is as good as her golden chicken soup and fluffy matzah balls! -nicole
![]() | ~I'm a die-hard cat lover but I'm not allowed to have pets in my apartment. I'm dying to move to a different place so that I can get a kitten! So when my brother tells me he's going away for 3 weeks and needs someone to watch his 2 cats, I unselfishly offered to host them (ok, maybe it was a little selfish!) I figure it's only temporary so the super won't have a problem with the illegal pets - haha! Well, he drops the cats off last Saturday and it's been sort of a nightmare ever since. Turns out my boyfriend is allergic to them, they wake us up every night at 4am running back and forth through the apartment (did I mention it's a studio - 2 people and 2 cats are a bit TOO much...) and they love to sleep on top of us! I just don't know how we're going to get through the next 2 weeks! John has even threatened to move out until my brother comes home. I think my chances of getting a kitten in the future are dwindling by the minute... -heather |