Thursday, December 20, 2007
Tarte Holiday Party!

Thursday, December 13, 2007
Blizzard 07

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Thursday, December 6, 2007
Oh Christmas Tree...

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Thursday, November 15, 2007
Crave: Ibex Izzi Pants

I’m always on the hunt for the perfect pair of black workout pants. I’m pretty particular--they can’t be too tight so that you see every muscle (hee hee, yea right) or too lose that they’re falling down. And they need to be stylish (hey, pants that make me feel skinny are the best). I’ve seriously found a pair that I’m absolutely in love with—these Ibex Izzi Pants. They’re perfect for yoga, running errands or even just watching movies on a rainy day. They also have some great outdoor gear—I like to check out their buzz page to see all the latest goods. It’s official: I’m hooked. -Candace
Thursday, November 8, 2007
full house

Friday, November 2, 2007
winter travel plans

Wednesday, October 31, 2007
happy halloween!

Friday, October 26, 2007
spinach dip

Monday, October 22, 2007
a bronx tale

- alexis
Monday, October 15, 2007
Shopping in NYC

Monday, September 24, 2007
Birthday Gifts

Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Waiting in Lines
~Last sunday my friend and I made the trek to Randall's Island for the Farm Aid benefit concert started by Dave Matthews which works to keep family farmers on their land. I'm a huge Dave fan and was so excited to see him perform along with Willie Nelson and Neil Young, BUT the show was so poorly coordinated that the bathroom lines exceed an hour! So basically the whole day was spent in line, either waiting for food and beverages, or waiting for the bathroom. And I know we weren't the only ones that felt this way so I need everyone to speak up and let the promoters know that the lines ruined the whole experience!! boo. -heather r

Tuesday, September 4, 2007
Locks of Love

Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Prison Break Returns
~I’m anxiously awaiting the return of one of my favorite series of all time, Prison Break. I’m literally counting down the days until September 17th – it feels like an eternity since last season ended and I’ve been pining for a new episode ever since! Besides being a great show I look forward to having Monday night quality time with Rich – usually one of us has to compromise while the other watches sports (Rich) or reruns of Law & Order (me). This is one show that we are both really into and it’s become a fun tradition to make dinner and watch the show together every Monday night! -maria

Thursday, August 23, 2007
Florida Feelings

Monday, August 20, 2007
Movie Recommendation
~I went to see Superbad this weekend (along with half of the population of NYC) and loved it! I was a little nervous that it would be like Knocked Up - you know - kind of funny but nothing to write home about. Well, it was more like 40 Year Old Virgin! I can't wait until it comes out on DVD so I can constantly quote lines with everyone at work! -heather

Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Puppy Pictures

Thursday, August 9, 2007
Bachelorette Party
~I’m very excited—my best friend’s bachelorette party is this weekend, and because she’s a girl after my own heart, there won’t be any strippers or cheesy dance clubs…instead, we’re going to a quirky little cabaret bar in the West Village where everyone sings show tunes. This is probably some people’s idea of a nightmare, but for me, it’s pretty much paradise—anywhere I can sing Guys & Dolls at the top of my lungs without having people look at me funny is OK by me. -alexis

Monday, August 6, 2007
A Retail Steal

Tuesday, July 31, 2007
iPhone Favorites

Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Moving Preparations

Friday, July 20, 2007
Cirque du Soleil Impressions

Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Book Recommendation

Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Back to the Future

Thursday, July 5, 2007
4th of July Celebration

Monday, July 2, 2007
Waiting for the Domincan Republic

Monday, June 25, 2007
The Great Apartment Hunt

Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Cirque du Soleil

Wednesday, June 13, 2007
Movie Recommendation
Monday, June 11, 2007
Moving Day
~I can’t believe it crept up so quickly, but I’m moving 12 days!! We close on our apartment this Friday and the next 2 weeks are basically just a blur of packing, running around, and…eek…writing many checks. I’m not dreading the unpacking once we move—that part is fun to me. But why is packing such a nightmare? We spent all weekend boxing things up and if you look around the apartment it barely looks like we made a dent. So depressing. However, whenever I feel like all the nuisances will never end, I think of my new Jacuzzi soaking tub…and it’s all worth it. Yay!!! -alexis

Wednesday, June 6, 2007
Let the Training Begin

Friday, June 1, 2007
~I have great news—Greg got a job in NY!! After 5 ½ years of living apart and many cities/states of separation, we’re finally going to be together again! So, the next few weekends will be filled with apartment hunting in Manhattan. Oh, the joy—I can’t wait (the tears are still flowing!). -candace
Friday, May 25, 2007
Monday, May 21, 2007
Road Runners
~Three of us tarte girls signed up for the New York Road Runners 2007 NYC Half Marathon presented by Nike on August 5th. Tomorrow we will find out if we made the lottery, and then the training begins. I really hope that we all are chosen from the lottery…or else I might loose my motivation to run! Today is the last day to sign up, so click on the link below to sign up; after all, it’s ONLY 13 miles! Go Team Tarte! -heather r

Friday, May 18, 2007
Adopt a Pet
~Lately I haven’t been able to volunteer as much at the New Rochelle Humane Society as I’d like to, so I’m really excited about volunteering to man the Society’s table at the Mamaroneck Historic Harbor Street Fair on June 3rd. we’ll have one of the dogs with us, as well as some information on the shelter and other animals that are available for adoption. I hope that it makes an impact and some of the animals will finally find a home! -maria

Monday, May 14, 2007
Dance Recital
~This past weekend Greg & I took the journey home to Boston to visit my mom and grandma for Mother’s Day. In addition to hanging out with the folks, we attended my little and older cousins’ dance recital. While this was Greg’s first recital it was my first time sitting in the audience and not dancing or teaching. In fact, when the opening routine started I actually had a tear in my eye—it was so very nostalgic! I really wasn’t expecting it. Nonetheless, it was a great show—my older cousin is the primary dance teacher & director, while her daughter who is 4 danced alongside of my 5-year-old twin cousins. They seriously stole the show in their cute costumes and hip-shaking moves, though my older cousins who are 10 and 16 were the true entertainers. Yes, dancing is definitely a family affair! -candace

Friday, May 11, 2007
San Francisco & Shopping
~Maureen and I just got back from our business trip to San Francisco yesterday…so I’m a little out of it today. The trip was good though, especially since we had a little downtime to do some shopping. I don’t know what it is about getting out of your own city—all the stores in SF were the same, but all of a sudden it was like a new world of shopping! I think we both did a little damage (I’m wearing some of the spoils today) but I redeemed myself by picking up a pair of Phil’s favorite summer shoes at J.Crew. So it wasn’t completely selfish. -alexis

Wednesday, May 9, 2007
Wishing for Summer

Wednesday, May 2, 2007
Benefit Walk

Sunday, April 1, 2007
april 2007
~All this gross rain is giving me a sinus headache and makes me want to hide under the covers all day. On the other hand, it’s also getting me that much more excited for my upcoming vacation to Mexico!! Words cannot express how much I’m looking forward to six days of doing absolutely nothing. I am also a big fan of the “eat whatever you want” vacation method, especially when it means mounds of quesadillas and salty margaritas. Which is why I look forward to having Levi kick my butt for the next 3 weeks…so I can prematurely undo the damage! -alexis
~As a continuation of my last blog, I have been looking into tennis lessons and actually bought a new racket over the weekend. I played at the outdoor courts near my house and have a very sore right arm, and slight tan, to show for it. My next task is to set up my first lesson so that I’m not hitting the ball like I would a baseball. I’m really not as uncoordinated as I looked! -heather r
~I am so excited because me and 12 of my sorority sisters from college are going to Atlantic City for the weekend! As I'm sure you know coordinating dinner for 4 friends can sometimes be impossible so the fact that 13 of us are going is practically a miracle. Nothing's better then a weekend of going out, gambling and Gamma Girls...now let's just hope some of us win! -maria
~So yesterday I celebrated my 24th Birthday! The tarte girls celebrated with me and we enjoyed a lovely dessert of fruit salad and whipped cream (yum!). I also received my coveted Tory Burch Ballet Flats that I've been craving!! They are lime green and SO CUTE. I can't wait for the weather to get a little nicer so I can wear them! Next year I'm craving a pony! :-) -erica
~Heather’s wedding was so much fun! First and foremost, the bride looked beautiful—a true Barbie. The weather turned out being perfect and the ceremony left a few of us tartelettes teary-eyed. All of the food was delicious. From the mini cheese raviolis and the beef medallions to the mini cream puffs, let’s not even discuss how much I devoured! After filling my belly, it was on to the dance floor where we tore it up (there may even exist a video of Alexis & me working our moves). What a great way to kick-off the wedding season for me—I have at least 1 a month now! -candace
~I can’t believe it’s finally time for Heather’s wedding (especially because it means mine was already 6 months ago!). Even though I got the privilege of seeing her in her dress already (at her fitting), I’m excited to see her walk down the aisle! Then I will be in withdrawal for 2 weeks while my officemate is in Hawaii. In the meantime, the rest of us tartelettes are scrambling to find cute little jackets and wraps to go over our dresses because no one was anticipating the 40-something degree weather. So much for my strapless dress & bare legs! -alexis
~Tomorrow will officially be one month before I leave for my 16 day expedition around Europe with my boyfriend. We’ll fly in to Rome, make our way towards Florence, then on to Venice. After a few relaxing days in Italy, the overnight train will take us to beautiful Paris where we will spend 2 lovely nights. After we’ve soaked up all that Paris has to offer, we’ll board another overnighter and head to Barcelona, and finally to Madrid where we will spend 3 nights relaxing before we fly back home. Yes, just thinking about it makes me feel more at ease. I think I can safely say that in all the vacations I have ever taken, I have never needed one more than I do now. -julia
~With spring upon us and summer fast approaching, it’s time for me to change my dark brown locks to a fun and flirty dark blonde. I won’t be going platinum or anything, although I have always wondered what it would be like…just some highlights and low lights to go with my new tan! The celebs hair that I’m going after is Drew Barrymore’s new ‘do, and I’ll have it just in time for Heather P’s wedding this weekend too! -heather r
~It been a week since I've come back from Miami and my sunkissed glow is fading fast! Luckily Maureen introduced to Comondynes self-tanning wipes form QVC awhile ago. Now I'm totally addicted to them! They really give me a natural tan that's not too orange or fake looking. I even asked my Mom for a new supply for my Birthday! -erica
~Any Season 6 American Idol fans out there? Me too! Seriously, what’s going on this season? Please, don’t vote for the worst anymore!! Every week I just wait for Sanjaya to get the boot. It’s painful to watch. My top 2 picks: Blake (I really want him to win!) and Melinda Dolittle (she never disappoints). I’m keeping my fingers crossed for my boy, Blake! -candace








~As you’re reading this I am at QVC preparing for our 1 hour show today, Friday April 6th, at 4 pm (EST). We all get so excited about the shows, but I’m especially excited about this one because we have a few special guests (you have to tune in to see!). Then we’ll be back on Saturday at 7 pm (EST) with a new kit that is a personal favorite of mine. Now I know why everyone loves watching QVC – the new items and the amazing values are something that just can’t be beat! -maria


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