Friday, May 25, 2007

Memorial Day Tidings


~Happy Memorial Day Weekend! -xoxo the tartelettes

Monday, May 21, 2007

Road Runners


~Three of us tarte girls signed up for the New York Road Runners 2007 NYC Half Marathon presented by Nike on August 5th. Tomorrow we will find out if we made the lottery, and then the training begins. I really hope that we all are chosen from the lottery…or else I might loose my motivation to run! Today is the last day to sign up, so click on the link below to sign up; after all, it’s ONLY 13 miles! Go Team Tarte! -heather r

Friday, May 18, 2007

Adopt a Pet


~Lately I haven’t been able to volunteer as much at the New Rochelle Humane Society as I’d like to, so I’m really excited about volunteering to man the Society’s table at the Mamaroneck Historic Harbor Street Fair on June 3rd. we’ll have one of the dogs with us, as well as some information on the shelter and other animals that are available for adoption. I hope that it makes an impact and some of the animals will finally find a home! -maria

Monday, May 14, 2007

Dance Recital


~This past weekend Greg & I took the journey home to Boston to visit my mom and grandma for Mother’s Day. In addition to hanging out with the folks, we attended my little and older cousins’ dance recital. While this was Greg’s first recital it was my first time sitting in the audience and not dancing or teaching. In fact, when the opening routine started I actually had a tear in my eye—it was so very nostalgic! I really wasn’t expecting it. Nonetheless, it was a great show—my older cousin is the primary dance teacher & director, while her daughter who is 4 danced alongside of my 5-year-old twin cousins. They seriously stole the show in their cute costumes and hip-shaking moves, though my older cousins who are 10 and 16 were the true entertainers. Yes, dancing is definitely a family affair! -candace

Friday, May 11, 2007

San Francisco & Shopping


~Maureen and I just got back from our business trip to San Francisco yesterday…so I’m a little out of it today. The trip was good though, especially since we had a little downtime to do some shopping. I don’t know what it is about getting out of your own city—all the stores in SF were the same, but all of a sudden it was like a new world of shopping! I think we both did a little damage (I’m wearing some of the spoils today) but I redeemed myself by picking up a pair of Phil’s favorite summer shoes at J.Crew. So it wasn’t completely selfish. -alexis

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Wishing for Summer


~Everyone warned me about the post-wedding blues that set in after the wedding and honeymoon are over. I have to say, I'm not feeling them - probably because I was a total stress ball the week before the wedding - what with trying to finish everything I needed to do for work for the 2.5 weeks I was out of the office and assembling 100 favors 3 days before. Oh and I almost forgot the debacle with my dress not fitting correctly the week of the bid day! So I can safely say that what I feel most is relief that I can watch tv without thinking there is something else I should be doing and that I can eat a cheeseburger without thinking about fitting into a dress!! Plus I've begun an apartment search so that will pretty much keep me busy well into the summer. Summer... that's another great thing to look forward to! -heather

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Benefit Walk


~I'm really excited because on Saturday I will be participating in the NYC Revlon BCA Run/Walk through Central Park! I'll be walking with my mom, my roommate, her mom and dad plus a whole bunch of other friends! It was probably a bad idea to skip my training session with Levi on Tuesday so I'm really going to have to prep in our session on Friday! Wish me luck! -erica